Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How often is the information available at the Observatório Automóvel updated?
  2. What constitutes an indicator in the Observatório Automóvel?
  3. What constitutes a statistic in the Observatório Automóvel?
  4. What constitutes a report in the Observatório Automóvel?
  5. Is it possible to download the data presented in each statistic?
  6. How can I find out the data source for each statistic or report available in the Observatório Automóvel?
  7. How can I filter the data to be visualized in each statistic?
  8. How can I search a statistic?
  9. How can I search a report?
  10. How can I find out what statistics are currently available at the Observatory?
  11. The quickest way to find out which reports are currently available is to:

  1. How often is the information available at the Observatório Automóvel updated?

    The information presented in the Observatório Automóvel is updated in real-time according to the data provided by the information sources on which it is based. The statistics available at the Observatório Automóvel come from data sources that are mostly updated on a semi-annual or annual basis. 

  2. What constitutes an indicator in the Observatório Automóvel?

    An indicator is an instrument that provides strategic information to the organizations and stakeholders of the Automotive Cluster. It helps understand the state of performance regarding a theme or strategic objective and it supports the decision making process.

  3. What constitutes a statistic in the Observatório Automóvel?

    A statistic is a graphic representation of one or more relevant indicators to respond to a certain need for information and a certain type of stakeholders. Through each statistic, the indicators that compose it are presented in a visual and summarized manner, facilitating the understanding of the presented information. The statistic is interactive, since, according to the dimensions and possible filters for the indicator(s) presented, the user can change/filter by the values of the dimensions that most interest his need for information. In addition, the statistics are updated in real-time according to the periodicity available for the sources of information on which they are based.

  4. What constitutes a report in the Observatório Automóvel?

    A report is an instrument that provides strategic information for the analysis of a specific theme and/or objective. Usually, the report presents more than one statistic and may be composed of other types of content such as explanatory texts/information analysis, images, videos, links, or attachments. The report statistics can be interactive, allowing the user to change filters on the dimensions, or static, not allowing the user to change filters (for example, when a report presents information for a specific theme for a specific year (date)).

  5. Is it possible to download the data presented in each statistic? 

    For each statistic available in the Observatório Automóvel it is possible to download the source data by downloading the .CSV file of the dataset available, at the bottom left corner of each statistic.

  6. How can I find out the data source for each statistic or report available in the Observatório Automóvel?

    You can consult the data source(s) in every statistic or report under each statistic or report. In each statistic or report, and whenever applicable, a remark with the technical notes regarding the data sources is presented.

  7. How can I filter the data to be visualized in each statistic?

    At the top of each statistic/dashboard you will see the available dimensions to filter the displayed data. To change or view the selected filters you should select the corresponding box. Then you should select or remove the selection in the box of the values you need. If you want to clear all selections, you can click the eraser icon. If you want to select all values at the same time you can select the "Select all" box.

  8. How can I search a statistic?<

    There are several possibilities to search a statistic:

    • From the main page of the Observatório Automóvel you can type your search expression (e.g. human capital training). From this search, the platform returns all the existing contents (statistics or reports) that contain at least one of the words in your search expression (in the title, summary, subject, target audience, or keywords). Then, the number of retrieved results and the list are displayed. From here you can change the search expression or use the filters to filter the results obtained.
    • From the "Statistics" page, which you access through the menu on the top right, you can use the search box above the filters to type a search expression. From this search, the platform returns all existing contents of the statistics type that contain at least one of the words in your search expression (in the title, abstract, theme, target audience, or keywords). Then, the number of retrieved results and the list is displayed. From here you can change the search expression or use the filters to filter the results obtained.
    • From the filters available on the page where the "statistics" are displayed. You can filter the list of statistics displayed by selecting or deselecting the available filters: theme or target audience. As you select or deselect values, the page with the list of results is updated, indicating how many results are being displayed for the selected filter combination.


  9. How can I search a report?

    There are several possibilities to search a report:

    • From the main page of Observatório Automóvel you can type your search words (e.g. human capital training). From this search, the platform returns all existing contents (statistics or reports) that contain at least one of your search words (in the title, summary, subject, target audience, or keywords). Then, the number of retrieved results and the list are displayed. From here you can change the search expression or use the filters to filter the results obtained.
    • From the "Reports" page, which you access through the menu on the top right, you can use the search box above the filters to type a search expression. From this search, the platform returns all existing report type contents that contain at least one of the words in your search expression (in the title, abstract, theme, target audience, or keywords). Then, the number of retrieved results and the list are displayed. From here you can change the search expression or use filters to filter the results obtained.
    • From the filters available on the page where the "reports" are displayed. You can filter the displayed list of reports by selecting or deselecting the available filters: theme or target audience. As you select or deselect values, the page with the list of results is updated indicating how many results are being displayed for the selected filter combination.


  10. How can I find out what statistics are currently available at the Observatory?

    The quickest way to find out what statistics are currently available is to:

    • Access the Statistics page via the menu in the upper right corner;
    • Select in the central menu of the available views, the "statistics index" view .


  11. How can I find out what reports are currently available at the Observatory?

    The quickest way to find out which reports are currently available is to:

    • Access the Reports page via the menu in the upper right corner;
    • Select from the central menu of available views, the "reports index" view