
Relevant content and statistics about cars produced and sold worldwide. Depending on the statistics being analyzed, the results can be segmented by year, country and type.


1. Global sales of new vehicles
2. Global vehicle production  
3. Oica: World Vehicles in use
4. Electric Cars' Turning Point May Be Happening as U.S. Sales Numbers Start Climb
5. Global EV Outlook 2021

Corpo do Relatório
Car production in Portugal rises 9.7% in 2021

"Portuguese factories managed to improve their performance compared to 2020 but are still far from the 2019 record."


The war (too) hit the car industry. Losses and aid of millions.

"No truce. After the pandemic and the chip crisis, now it's the war in Ukraine that affects the car industry, with factories stopped and exports suspended. But despite the losses, millions are donated."


Strong rise in sales of hybrid and electric cars in 2021

"For the first time, hybrid vehicles with the same market share as diesel."